
Australian Dragon Boat Federation


1. Insurance

Your membership includes cover for Personal Accident insurance .  - https://vinsurancegroup.com/dragonboat/  You should be aware that the policy coverage may change during the course of your annual membership as it is renewed each July.

2. Data Collection 

When you join/renew your membership with dragon boat , you will see AusDBF  has created 6 additional fields (questions)  which will allow AusDBF to gather data for all people in Australia engaged in dragon Boat. The intention of this is to support everyone engaged in the sport. Learning more about the Australian dragon boat community will help AusDBF make the sport an inclusive and welcoming environment for all. 


Q1. Do you identify as being Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?

Q2 Do you identify as being from a culturally and linguistically diverse background?

Q3 Do you identify as a person with a disability?

Q4 Do you identify as an LGBTQ+ person?

Q5 Other than English what the main language you use at home?

Q6 Have you served or are currently serving in the Allied Defence Forces?

Below is further information to assist with the meaning of 'disability'

(the survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers (SDAC) describes disability as the following: 

  • Any limitation, restriction or impairment which restricts everyday activities that has lasted, or is likely to last, for at least 6 months
  • Can be broadly grouped depending on whether they relate to functioning of the mind or the senses, or anatomy, or physiology
  • The below 6 disability groups refer to a single disability or several broadly similar disabilities


1. Sensory 

  • Loss of sight (not corrected by glasses or contact lenses)
  • Loss of hearing where communication is restricted or an aid is used 
  • Speech difficulties

2. Intellectual 

  • Difficulty learning or understanding

3. Physical 

  • Shortness of breath or breathing difficulties that restrict everyday 
  • Blackouts, seizures or loss of consciousness
  • Chronic or recurrent pain or discomfort that restricts everyday activities 
  • Incomplete use of arms or fingers 
  • Difficulty gripping or holding things
  • Incomplete use of feet or legs 
  • Restriction in physical activities or in doing physical work 
  • Disfigurement or deformity 

4. Psychosocial 

  • Nervous or emotional condition that restricts everyday activities 
  • Mental illness or condition requiring help or supervision 
  • Memory problems or periods of confusion that restrict everyday activities 
  • Social or behavioural difficulties that restrict everyday activities 

5. Head injury, stroke or acquired brain injury 

  • Head injury, stroke or other acquired brain injury with long term effects that restrict everyday activities

6. Other 

  • Receiving treatment or medication for any other long-term conditions or ailments and still restricted in everyday activities
  • Any other long term conditions resulting in a restriction in everyday activities


Dragon Boat NSW


I hereby apply for individual membership of DBNSW. In consideration of my application for membership being accepted I acknowledge and agree that:

 In this application and declaration:

"Claim" means and includes any action, suit, proceeding, claim, demand, damage, cost or expense however arising including but not limited to negligence but does not include a claim against a DBNSW under any right expressly conferred by its constitution or regulation.

“DBNSW” means Dragon Boats NSW Incorporated and, where the context so permits, its respective directors, staff officers, members, servants or agents.

“Club” means a Member for the time being of DBNSW in accordance with clause 5 of the DBNSW Constitution.

"Sport" means the sport of dragon boat racing.

"Sporting Activities" means performing or participating in the Sport in any capacity which includes, but is not limited to, participation in training, competitions, coaching or as an official.

If my application for membership is accepted I will be a member of DBNSW and I acknowledge that I will be bound by and agree to comply with all rules applying to the Sporting Activities and the constitution, regulations, policies and directions DBNSW and the Club. I understand this form is only applicable for my participation up to a maximum of twenty-eight (28) days or until I become an Individual Member of DBNSW (as that expression is defined in the DBNSW Constitution), whichever first occurs, during the 2024/2025 season (1 July – 30 June). I accept that this form may be stored for up to five (5) years and beyond by DBNSW and/or the Club. I will comply with all directions given by the Club and DBNSW.

Warning: The Sporting Activities are inherently dangerous.  I acknowledge that I am exposed to certain risks during Sporting Activities and that accidents may happen which may result in injury or death, or my property being damaged.  I have read and understood this warning and voluntarily accept and assume the inherent risks in participating in the Sporting Activities.

Exclusion of Implied Terms: I acknowledge that where I am a consumer of recreational services, as defined by any relevant law, certain terms and rights usually implied into a contract for the supply of services may be excluded.  I acknowledge that these implied terms and rights and any liability of DBNSW and the Club flowing from them, are expressly excluded to the extent possible by law, by this application and declaration. To the extent of any liability arising, the liability of DBNSW and/or the Club will, at the discretion of DBNSW and/or the Club as the case may be, be limited in the case of goods, to the replacement, repair or payment of the cost of replacing the goods and in the case of services, the resupply of the services or payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.

Release and Indemnity: In consideration of DBNSW and the Club accepting my application for participation I, to the extent permitted by law:

  • Release and will release DBNSW and the Club from all Claims that I may have or may have had but for this release arising from or in connection with my participation in any Sporting Activities; and
  • Indemnify and will keep indemnified DBNSW and the Club in respect of any Claim by any person arising as a result of or in connection with my participation in any Sporting Activities.

Insurance: I understand that during my participation in the sport under the supervision of DBNSW, a Club or any other approved party that I will be provided with various forms of temporary insurance coverage. Details on this coverage can be found online at vinsurancegroup.com/dragonboat/   

Fitness to Participate: I declare that I am medically and physically fit and able to participate in the Sporting Activities.  I will immediately notify DBNSW and the Club in writing of any change to my medical condition, fitness or ability to participate.  I understand and accept that DBNSW and the Club will continue to rely upon this document as evidence of my fitness and ability to participate.

Medical Treatment: I consent to receiving any medical treatment that the DBNSW and the Club reasonably considers necessary or desirable for me during my participation in Sporting Activities.  I also agree to reimburse DBNSW and the Club for any costs or expenses incurred in providing me with medical treatment.

Right to Use Imagery: I acknowledge and consent to photographs, electronic images, videos (including live streaming) being taken of me during my participation in any Sporting Activities. I acknowledge and agree that such photographs, electronic images and videos are owned by DBNSW and/or the Club and each of them may use them for promotional or other purposes without my further consent being necessary.  Further, I consent to DBNSW and the Club using my name, image, likeness and also my performance in the Sporting Activities, at any time, by any form of media, to promote the Sporting Activities.

Member Protection: I agree to abide by the DBNSW Member Protection Policy and the Child Protection Policy. I understand that I will be required to complete and sign a Member Protection Declaration form for my club. I also understand that my club may require me to do a Working with Children Check.

Privacy: I understand that the personal information I have provided in this form is necessary for the objects of DBNSW and the Club.  I acknowledge and agree that the personal information will be disclosed by DBNSW and the Club only to pursue its objects and general business. I understand that I will be able to access the personal information on request.  If the personal information is not provided by me, my participation application may be rejected.

I acknowledge that DBNSW and the Club may also use my personal information for the purposes of providing me with promotional material from DBNSW’s sponsors or third parties.  I may advise DBNSW and the Club if I do not wish to receive any sponsor or third party promotional material.

Severance: If any provision of this application and declaration is invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, the phrase or clause is to be read down for the purpose of that jurisdiction, if possible, so as to be valid and enforceable.  If the phrase or clause cannot be so read down it will be severed to the extent of the invalidity or unenforceability.  Such severance does not affect the remaining provisions of this application and declaration or affect the validity or enforceability of it in any other jurisdiction.

I have provided the information required and signed this application and declaration. I warrant that all information provided is true and correct.  I acknowledge this application and declaration cannot be amended.  If I do amend it, my application will be null and void and it will not be accepted by DBNSW and the Club.

By agreeing to this application I…

  • declare that I can swim more than 50m fully clothed or if not must wear a personal floatation device
  • declare that I am medically fit to undertake Sporting Activities with the sport
  • agree to accept and be bound by and agree to comply with the rules applying to the Sporting Activities and the constitution, regulations, policies and directions of DBNSW and the Club
  • have read, understood, acknowledge and agree to the above terms including warning, exclusion of implied terms, release and indemnity or on the occasion where the applicant is under 18 I as the parent/guardian authorise and agree on their behalf via my own signature.


National Code of Conduct

The following is applicable to all participants, race officials, volunteers, coaches, clubs, administrators (management) and spectators associated with dragon boating in Australia.


Code of Conduct

The Code is a framework that outlines the standards of Conduct and ethical conduct expected of all members and people in an official capacity, providing role-specific principles to guide individual conduct and decision-making.


All Dragon Boat Organisations should ensure that the current National Code of Conduct is in use, is easily accessible and understood by all members.



General – All Members

· Promote and respect the rights and dignity of every person regardless of gender, race, ethnicity or sexual orientation and ensure that your Club / State / AusDBF promotes a safe and inclusive environment. Provide equal opportunities for all members, coaches and race officials to participate, regardless of their gender, ability or cultural background.

· Promote a safe an inclusive environment in which every person is protected and free from discrimination, harassment and abuse.

· At all times act as a role model for others, displaying high standards of good sporting Conduct.

· Never engage in inappropriate conduct including the use of offensive language, gestures (which could be demeaning to others), drinking or smoking whilst in an official (coaches, race officials, volunteers) capacity or in the presence of junior participants or spectators.

· Adhere to the competition rules and regulations of dragon boating and ensure the principles of fair play, respecting the traditions of dragon boating and ensure the spirit of competition is respected by all participants, coaches, race officials and volunteers.

· Ensure that all members place their wellbeing and enjoyment ahead of their own performance and outcomes

· Apply the Code of Conduct both in person and online, including social media platforms.




· Respect the decision of coaches and race officials and follow formal processes for disputes.

· Always compete to the best of your abilities.

· Respect the equipment and facilities made available during training and competition.

· Always consider the safety and wellbeing of other participants before performance and results.

· Abide by all Australian Sports Drug Agency (now known as Sport Integrity Australia), and World Sports Drug Agency (WADA) and regulations relating to anti-doping policies and never engage in match fixing or betting.




· Ensure every participant has equal opportunity to participate regardless of age, ability or experience.

· Ensure that all equipment and activities meet safety standards and are appropriate to the age and abilities of every participant.

· Promote the principles of fair play and discourage foul play and/or unsporting behaviour.

· Always consider the safety and wellbeing of participants before performance and results and follow the advice of a physician/medical officer in determining when an injured participant may return to training and competition.

· Maintain respectful and appropriate relationships with every person, especially to participants to whom you owe a duty of care.

· Follow the guidelines and rules set down by your Club / State / AusDBF.

· Call out (and refer to your Club, State Association or AusDBF) all acts of unethical Conduct, whether from participants, race officials, parents or spectators.



Race Officials / Volunteers

· Always ensure the safety and wellbeing of participants above all else.

· Maintain respectful and appropriate relationships with every person, especially with participants.

· Be impartial, consistent and transparent in your conduct and decision-making. Accept responsibility for your actions.

· Avoid situations that may lead to or call into question conflict of interest.

· Avoid engaging in verbal confrontation with participants, coaches, race officials, parents and spectators during competitions




Directors / Committee Members (Administrators)

· Protect the safety and wellbeing of members at all times by ensuring that appropriate safeguarding measures and policies are in place, easily accessible and understood by every member, and reviewed regularly.

· Ensure that all members are made aware of their rights and responsibilities under the appropriate legislation including Member Protection Policy, Code of Conduct, Child Safe Policy and Anti-discrimination Policy, and you know the process by which to refer a complaint or breach.

· Be impartial, consistent and transparent in your conduct and decision-making. Accept responsibility for your actions.

· Exercise duty of care, diligence and skill. Ascertain all relevant information and make reasonable enquiries and understand the financial, strategic and other implications of decisions.

· Ensure information gained in the role is only applied to proper purposes and is kept confidential. Note that confidentiality may survive the tenure of the role.

· Avoid the use of the position to seek an undue advantage for self, family members or associates.

· Make decisions in the best interests of your members and dragon boating.

· Create pathways that support members, coaches and race officials to improve their skill development.

· Provide equal opportunities for all members, coaches and race officials to participate, regardless of their gender, ability or cultural background.



Parents and Spectators

· Encourage participants to play by the rules and to show respect to coaches, race officials and other teams at all times.

· Respect the rights and dignity of every person including players, coaches, race officials, parents and spectators; and never engage in conduct that abuses, demeans, provokes or harasses others.

· Understand that sport is designed to be fun and that participating for enjoyment and wellbeing should always come before performance and results.

· Call out and refer to organisation authorities all acts of unethical conduct, whether from players, coaches, officials, parents or spectators.

· Participate in positive cheering that reinforces and encourages participant efforts.

Northern Beaches Dragon Boat Club

The above terms apply to memberships of Northern Beaches Dragon Boat Club. 


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